What is Infertility?


Infertility is defined as the inability of a married, sexually active couple to achieve pregnancy within one year of unprotected regular intercourse. Infertility may be diagnosed prior to one year if there are features or findings indicative of subfertility.

These include -

Infertility Causes & Symptoms

Male infertility causes

In men, the most common reasons for infertility are sperm disorders. These problems include -

Functional Defects

Erectile dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Retrograde Ejaculation.

Other Factors

Varicocele / Hydrocele, Undescended testis, Working trends & environment.

Low sperm count

This means there are too few or no spermatozoa in the semen.

Low sperm motility

This means that the sperm don't move as well as they should.

Blocked sperm ducts

Spending a long time in a hot tub, wearing underwear that holds the testicles too close to the body can increase the testicular temperatures and impair sperm production and increased alcohol intake and smoking, can also have a negative effect on sperm count. Men who are 40 or older often have decreased fertility.

Malformation of the sperm.

Female infertility causes


Lack of ovulation (release of eggs from the ovary). The major cause of anovulation is a condition called polycystic ovary disease, or PCOS.


Inability of the fallopian tubes to carry eggs from the ovary to the uterus. Fibroid growths endometriosis, tumors, cervical problems, or irregular uterine shape can keep the embryo from implanting in the uterus.


Fertility declines with age, and even more so after the age of 35. Conception after age 45 is rare. Being overweight or underweight can also play a role in having trouble getting pregnant.

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